The relationship between the body, emotions, mind, spirit, environment & planet are important factors in our health & well being that many of us don't consider day to day until an imbalance occurs & we are forced to stop & heal.
In 1993 I began working with a medical intuitive. She introduced me to energy work & guided me visually through healings. We worked together until my early 30’s & believe this helped prime me for the work I do today.
In 2002 before being hired as an Esthetician I was certified as a massage therapist. I trained under a Shiatsu Master & he taught me how to pin point blockages in the body & dissolve them.
In 2004 I had the immense honor of seeing Dr. Masu Emoto speak while promoting his book, messages in water. I was working at a spa doing facials when it occurred to me that I could apply his principles to my client to heal them. This is where I first learned about the magnitude of energy work. I had clients grab my arm & say they felt altered after treatment. I knew my work was helping these people heal some part of their physical or energetic body & the biofeedback is what really lead me to dive deeper into this work.
In 2006 I was introduced to Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton’s work & Began attending day lectures & book signings & conferences with them.
I learned about HeartMath & started using coherence, a frequency that radiates from the heart & balances the sympathetic nervous system.
In 2013 I got Reiki II certified.
In 2015 I was formerly trained & certified as a heartmath mentor.
In 2016 I was honored to work with Crystal Resonance teacher Naisha Ahsian in Sedona and learned Primus State, a meditation & healing modality to balance the nervous system.
That same year I received a certification through the Crystal Academy of Healing Arts in Kauai with the lineage of Katrina Raphaell's teaching of the ancient art of Laying on Stones.
In 2018 I completed a Peruvian Cosmology with Juan Del Prado initiating into the Fourth Level Hatun Karpay traditions, becoming a Paqo.. His teachings taught me how to work with the energy & natural forces in nature; mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.
I began to clear & bless homes & businesses after this. I remote view the space much like I do when WORKING on clients remotely & became very accurate with these readings. I also lead my first retreat to Mount Shasta & began working with large scale quartz crystal grids.
I acquired my crystal alchemy sound bowls in 2018 & began to INCORPORATE sound THERAPY into my sessions.
In october of 2019 I attended a 5 day CONFERENCE in New Mexico with today’s leaders in science & healing. Bruce Lipton lectured on epiGentics, Gregg Braden shared heart coherence & Ancient wisdom teachings, Dr Joe Dispenza lead us through meditations to Become greater than our bodies & Anita Moorjani spoke & shared insight on her journey with a near death experience & miraculous healing.
In april 2020 I completed a 2 year program with samaya k Aster, formally known as niasha ashian, auther of the book of stones. CRYSTAL RESONANCE THERAPY is clinical, Charting the Data, mineral content & effects for analysis.
In 2021 I was one of 20+ sound healers supporting The Gong Sanctuary at the Hog Farm Festival. I was invited to come back to assist the sanctuary at Black Oak Ranch in 2022 & 2023. It was an honor to hold this kind of space & harmonize with such talented musicians & really got me primed for group events.
I began hosting my own curated event called CRYSTAL GRID SOUND JOURNEY in Mount Shasta & Los Gatos. Now I have the honor of teaching this class at Breathe + Oneness in Santa Cruz & 1440 Multiversity.
I formulated an organic skin care line and sell Sacral Botanics at markets all over California & out of my herb room in Los Gatos.
It is through all this knowledge that I am able to speak my truth & vocalize the transmissions I received during treatments. It is my intention that all that come through be in the highest most pure light, that it be information that allows the client to walk this earth in a way that empowers their true essence & light within.